Raphael Regadio's profile

Unity- Boss Batlle: Arashi - The Undying

A hidden world beneath ours, lays a god-like being in its slumber.

A robot instructed to head down to wake this creature, and exterminate it from this world for the humans. You, the robot, are equipped with 3 weapons:

-Dao, a versatile light sword that has the capability to slash through the toughest materials with great speed. One of China's traditional swords, this blade has been strengthened to assure this creature will be no match against you.
- 1 damage
- Light attacks
- 3 hit combo
-Jian, a large heavy-hitting sword, inspired by the Chinese weapon of the same name, this sabre is slow but can inflict heavy damage.
- 8 damage
- Heavy attacks
- 2 hit combo

-Chi, a ranged weapon that fires pure projectiles of electricity. Interestingly, it seems the projectiles cannot physically damage this creature, however, it may damage any other being or object in that place. It requires little energy to make ammo so do not worry about running out of ammunition.
- Ranged attack
-1 damage

You are equipped with multiple enhancements to assure you are ready for this battle.
W - forwards
A - left
S - backwards
d - right

Space bar - triple jump

Shift - Dash (able to dash 3 times, replenishes dash every second if it is not full)

Weapon Switch
1 - Dao
2 - Jian
3 - Chi

E- melee (if Dao or Jian is equipped)
Left Mouse Button - shoot (if Chi is equipped)

(Escape - to quit Application)
(Alt - to unlock mouse)

You can die infinitely, however that costs a lot of money and your deaths will be displayed if you are successful at killing the creature (We, the company, will point and laugh at you if you get more than 5 deaths).  Total deaths will be shown at the end.

Additionally, our drones will be dropping off boxes with batteries in them! These batteries will heal you if you are damaged and will support you by doing little spins, if you are full! Unfortunately, we cannot drop these beside you or heal you as our drones are very expensive, and we must make sure none of them get destroyed.
(We, the company, will attempt to pick you up if you fall of the stage so do not worry! if you are traveling down at a rapid rate, our drones will not be able to lift you, so... Do not be in the situation. We would also like to say, you will take large amounts of damage falling).

Your advanced movement makes you able to run and jump on walls! However, after a quick survey of your designated battle, it seems it would not be too helpful. If that situation were to occur, running on the walls will boost your momentum and make you very fast very quickly.



400 Max Health

~~Boss Move set~~

(Boss cannot repeat their last move because no one likes an ability spammer)

Stage 1

Bite (backs up, then chomps)     -1 damage
2 Droppers (1.Drops asteroids around the stage twice 2.Drops asteroids in predicted player location 20 times)  - can cause 2-5 damage

3 Projectile launchers (1. shoots homing spikes    2.shoots spikes in a spread area  3. creates ball that explodes after a few seconds, shooting multiple spikes in the air. After a few seconds all spikes will be homing)    -1 damage per hit

Charge (backs up with a path directed to the player. after a few seconds it will stop looking at player and follow path)       - can cause 6 damage

Knockback (Boss shakes and roars into the air, causing the player to get pushed until the edge of the stage)     - no damage

Stage 3
same as up top
additionally the boss can also:

Tail whip (backs up with tail on the left side with set path. after a few seconds, the tail moves to set path, left to right.)              -3 damage

(very rare) Towers (the boss spawns 2 minions that continually shoots spread out spikes. can only be stopped with 10 player projectiles) -1 damage per hit

Boss Fight Stuff:
~Stage 1
(a dark platform with pillars around. Dead trees surround the area, with one large one covered with lanterns)

fight normally in Stage 1

stage breaks apart, boss turns invulnerable,  and player falls

~Stage 2

player must avoid minions shooting.

parkour area (wall run, jumps and Moving platforms)

player falls in pit

~Stage 3
(the platform with pillars, now have lava surrounding it)

shoot crystals up top to disable invulnerability phase

boss pushes back player, becomes invulnerable, and spawns minions after having less than a certain amount of health points (happens twice)

upon defeating Arashi, an end screen similar to that of metroid plays (not because the budget of this game was accidentally spent on the models and animation, and that there was no more money to make an ending, but because metroid is a very good game..... cough cough).

Here are some of my models that i have made:
My first version of the boss. I envisioned it to be this mecha serpent with some cool missile launchers on its shoulders, and can also create holographic wings so it can fly. I realised very quickly that I had to animate this and I did not want to spend so much time on the graphics, so obviously I simplified it. This model made in blender has its missile launcher, it is just in a different file as I think its easier to focus on one thing. I was thinking this boss would have some "dive" or "drill" attack (the spheres would be rotating). Later on, I wanted something that was easy to animate and looked cool as heck, so I decided to change this serpent to the skeleton serpent it is now, Arashi (meaning storm in chinese) - The Undying.
My Old version of Arashi. This version had a right arm, full animations (it wasn't any good since they were my first time animating of course), and unique moves like a "swipe" with its hand, and this rattle snake sort of stance. I even did some subtle stuff like when it moves or walks, it leaned more to the left as its weight is being supported by its tail and its right arm. Unfortunately, I had to scrap it because I messed up with the "bones" (the animation bones). So, I had to restart. I messed up a second time with my current boss (the one without the arm) because I did not know I should not move the root bone (I had to restart my animations again). This is my first time animating, so I think I did a good job.
Some bones that I creating for some attacks. I did not use this as I think the quality is not the good. That sphere was supposed to be a skull, but I never got to finish
A very rough User Interface i created outside of unity
All models, sound effects, and music are created by me :>

Game and video will be posted later.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/xCbVyMuxIJ0       

it is 8 min long because I went and showcased every thing Arashi can do... except the Lava version of its radial projectile shooter, however it can be seen in the screenshots above.

This project was made using Blender, Unity, Krita (alternative to Photoshop), and Piskel

Created by me! :>

Unity- Boss Batlle: Arashi - The Undying

Unity- Boss Batlle: Arashi - The Undying


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